Tuesday 8 September 2015


    Vandalism, nowadays case of vandalism become more our country.Teenagers nowadays become more brave to do a vandalism. Vandalism is the behavior attributed to the vandals. Vandalism also among teenagers because teenagers nowadays are not get enough attention or caring from parents. That happen because parents nowadays more focus on the career than the children.

    First, vandalism in school can be reduce by reducing the tendency for committing such thing . They only way to do this by making sure he or she no reason .When they do the vandlisme in school can make the school name will bad. This can make our school become look bad attitude to people or another school.

    Next, vandlisme an school is student in school break up table and chairs. Teacher find difficult to catch the culprits. Some student also have the habit of smearing the wall at school building with paint. They are also write a not good avoid on the walls of the toilets, library,and school hall.

    After that, vandalism in school happen because teenagers not like to study, they also feel boring in class. That why,they like to make a vandlisme like painped on table or wall in classroom, for want to the teenagers do the vandlisme in class . Teacher must teaching teenagers very good because to make teenagers feel happy when study in class.

    Lastly, for the best solution that we can suggest is the teenagers must choose the right friends in order to choose the right friends, teenagers must know how to different between good and bad thing. This means they have to think intelligently. For solve this problem parents should spent more time with their children. It is because when parents spent more time wit their children, their children will not go some thing bad that in order to seek their attention.


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