Sunday 6 September 2015


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland :

The book begins with a young girl, Alice, bored whilst sat by a river, reading a book with her sister.
Everything seems perfectly normal an serene; there could be nothing more in keeping with the bourgeois Victorian world in which Carroll lived. Alice runs after the rabbit and follow a it into a hole. After falling down into the depths of the earth she finds herself in a corridor full of doors. At the end corridor there is a tiny door with a tiny key through which Alice can see a beautiful garden that she is desperate to enter.  She then spot a bottle labelled “DRINK ME” (which she does), and begins to shrink until she is large enough to fit through the door.

Unfortunately, she has left the key that fits the lock on a table, now well out of her reach. She then finds a cake labelled “EAT ME” (which, again, she does), and is restored to her normal size. Disconcerted by this frustrating series of events, alice begins to cry and, caught unawares by a change in size not precipitated by foo or drink, she shrinks and is washed away in her own tears.
The book reaches its climax in the trial of the Knave Of Hearts, who is accused of stealing the queen’s tart. A good deal of evidence is given against the unfortunate man ( most of which is entirely nonsensical), and a letter is produced which only refers to events by pronouns (but which is supposedly damning evidence) . alice , who by now has grown to a great size, stands up for the Knave and theQueen, predictably, demands her execution. As she is fighting off the Queen’s card soldiers, alice awakes, realizing she has been dreaming all along.

Carroll’s book is episodic and revels more in the situations that it contrives than in any serious attempt a plot or character analysis. Like a series of nonsense poems or stories, created more for their puzzling nature or illogical delightfulness, the events of Alice’s adventure are people with incredible but immensely likeable characters and a master’s fell for the eccentricities of language.

Brilliant for children, but with enough hilarity and joy for life in it to please adult too, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, is a love book with which to take a brief respite from our over-rational and something dreary world.


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