Wednesday 30 September 2015

                        MY FAVOURITE THING


  My favourite thing is phone, it is very important to me because it have a lot of apps related to my English language learning activities and apps which will track my daily expenses, my phone is very simple so I can use it very where, then I can buy anything which ever I like through in internet, it make my life easier and smarter than before.

  Next, what can I do on my phone is I can chatting with other people like my family and friend, this can make other people love together. After that, I can use my phone to take picture for memories that I can save in my phone.

  After that, some people has opinion that mean said, phone not good to people because phone can make people no strict. That why using electronic device not good, because our communication with surroundings people will be deprive, but it helps me to improve my listening and reading.

   Furthermore, I like my phone because I can express my feeling on moment and I can post my status to feeling. Now I study for away from my family, every day I use my phone to contact with my parent because I also miss them.

   Finally, I love it because it just reminds me of how simple objects can make people use when emergency. In word, all people use phone to communication because can make people easier to do work.


                       My Dream House


   House is the place to stay together with part of our family. A good house is the house that make the dweller fells so comfortable. My Dream House is the house that has complete facility and wide garden. I want to try my best to get my dream house in my future later. Actually, my dream house is so simple to make if I have a lot of money. Because I’m Thai, I will build my house use Thai style because I’m proud to be Thai.


   In the first floor of my house I want to have six bedrooms, one bedroom for my parents, one bedroom for me and the other bedroom for my children later. In every bedroom I want to have complete furniture and facilities such as there are bathrooms, table, chair, television and other.

   In every bathroom there are complete facilities such as shower, the thing that use to organize temperature of the water so that I enjoy when take a bath.

  In the kitchen of my house I want to complete facilities too such as refrigerator to put the food, the stove to cook everyday and the other facility.

   In the second floor of my house I will make a big living room, the purpose just as a place together with part of my family. In every side of the second floor there are many windows, the purpose just so that I can enjoy the view from the second floor. Behind of my house I will make swimming pool because my hobby is swimming. If I feel stress I would like to swimming. I think it will enjoy our daily activity at home and that is like heaven of world.


  I know to make my dream house will not be easy for me because it needs a lot of money, to get a lot of money the first thing that should I do is I must be successful. I want to make my family, friends, and the other that I love proud to me.

by: Norain Syarmila

Thursday 17 September 2015


For Today I Want To Share About My Brother

Today I want to tell about siblings, why I want to tell about siblings because I had one brother only. He is my only brother and he was the only my brother i have . i can count on my brother after the parent . my brother keeping me very well that's why I feel safe when with my brother.

I prefer the older brother from sister because I never had a sister. I always want a sister, but I prefer a brother because older brother keep me well. that's why i love my brother . i have let my brother as my good friend. My brother always help me a lot if  I financial problem .

In a lot guy's i'm more comfortable with my older brother only because my brother only who knows my behavior.

thank you :)

by: aimie natasha

Wednesday 9 September 2015

My Future ?


      Some people have a big future when they grow up. Future is something that we have to think about it when we still kid. I have a big dreams about my future. Mom and dad always ask me about what I want to be when I grow up. I just tell them I want to be a doctor like my aunts. Because doctor can help many people and it looks like a best job ever that I have look. But my dad were not agree with my future dreams. It is because doctor didn’t have a time permanent job and it was very difficult.  Dad always told me about that. But I still carry my future dreams. My mother always supported whatever I wished. Mom is always there behind me.

     When I entered high school, I tried to study pure science subject. But it’s very difficult and challenging for me. I have to study that subject because I want to be a doctor. That is my future dreams. And I want to prove to my father that I can carry that subject. When I form 4, I had to take the easy way out by leaving the subject that will take me to the future of my dreams because i was not willing to take a subject that is very difficult for me. i was very regret because not heard what my father told. I had to leave my dream to become a doctor like my aunt. it is not easy thing for me, want to be a doctor is my dreams since childhood. So, forget about my dream of becoming a doctor, and began to listen to what my father wanted me to be when I grow up.

     The world now is flat. So there are many reasons for people to consider that the world is more and more exciting, comfortable, interesting, in the future. But in my opinion, the future will be more frightening than it is exciting. Firstly, because of developing of technology, economics, the increasing of population therefore human will need more the natural resource and certainly, we have to speed up exploitative actions. As a result, that resource will come into exhaustion because everything has its limit and in future. I think the next generation will be harder to live and exist.


My Idol !

      Many people around the world have a family. It consist of father, mother, brothers, and sisters. One of them could be the best one. I have a small family. It consist of my father, my mother, and my oldest sister. According to me, my mother is the best one in my family. She is my idol over the world.

      My mother’s name is Hamisah. She is 47 year’s old now. She was born in Perak., on August 23th, 1969. My lovely mother is in well shape. She is also cute short, it is around 150 cm short. I think my mom is very beautiful with her dimples, tan skin, thin lips, and brown eyes. She also has curly black hair, same with me.

     My mother is someone who full with love. She always gives her pure love to her family. She loves us more than herself. She raises me and my sister with her love, for instance she never differentiates between me and my sister.

     The woman who has married with my father is also the best teacher for me in my life especially to sociable for other people. One thing of her lesson that I always remember is be useful for other people because we are not individual person, we need somebody else to help and we have to help each other. I had never got this lesson in my school, just from my mom.

     The strong woman who always gives me many motivations is my mom. She is the best motivator for me. She always give some motivations to me to face my life, for instance when I dropped, she gives me a good motivation and I can stand again suddenly.

     Someone who has hobbies cooking and reading in my family is my mom. She likes cooking so much. She always makes something special in our dining room. It is really delicious. My mother can make Arabian cuisine and some of Indonesian cuisine. She is the best chef over the world. Furthermore, my mom loves reading a lot of books such as religion and healthy book. She also likes to collect some novels and recipes. It is an interesting hobby.

    My mother is my best idol for me. She is not only as a good mother but also a good teacher for me. I love her so much. She is the most perfect person in our house. I just can not imagine what it would be like without her !


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Its all about my teddy bear !

        I really love teddy bear. They are so cuddly and huggable. Everytime I saw a teddy bear, there is something that makes me attracted to get it. Last year, I got one as a gift for my birthday present from my brother. My teddy bear is very cute ! It is round-shape and really soft. The color of my teddy bear is soft brown, and its eyes is round and black in color. His name is Luhan. I got his name from my favorite singer.
        I started to like teddy bear when my mother bought me one on my 8th birthday, that day is really unforgettable for me because it makes me appreciate the real cute of a teddy bear.

        I hug him when I’m studying, sleeping, read a novel, and when I want complete my assignment. Besides, I bring him anywhere I go such as when I go to a family outing or vacation. I also take good care of him like washing and combing her hair. I placed my teddy bear at the corner of my bed with my pillow so that we sleep together and I’ll hug it very thight when sleep.

       My best friend and companion , that’s Luhan my teddy bear. He is always there for me.


    Vandalism, nowadays case of vandalism become more our country.Teenagers nowadays become more brave to do a vandalism. Vandalism is the behavior attributed to the vandals. Vandalism also among teenagers because teenagers nowadays are not get enough attention or caring from parents. That happen because parents nowadays more focus on the career than the children.

    First, vandalism in school can be reduce by reducing the tendency for committing such thing . They only way to do this by making sure he or she no reason .When they do the vandlisme in school can make the school name will bad. This can make our school become look bad attitude to people or another school.

    Next, vandlisme an school is student in school break up table and chairs. Teacher find difficult to catch the culprits. Some student also have the habit of smearing the wall at school building with paint. They are also write a not good avoid on the walls of the toilets, library,and school hall.

    After that, vandalism in school happen because teenagers not like to study, they also feel boring in class. That why,they like to make a vandlisme like painped on table or wall in classroom, for want to the teenagers do the vandlisme in class . Teacher must teaching teenagers very good because to make teenagers feel happy when study in class.

    Lastly, for the best solution that we can suggest is the teenagers must choose the right friends in order to choose the right friends, teenagers must know how to different between good and bad thing. This means they have to think intelligently. For solve this problem parents should spent more time with their children. It is because when parents spent more time wit their children, their children will not go some thing bad that in order to seek their attention.


Sunday 6 September 2015

About Favourite Pet's

                             Hello everybody, today I want to story about my lovely pet.

   Many children or teenagers nowadays prefer to preserve their pets. The same goes with me. Usually, animals that are kept such as hamster,cat,tortoise and others.

   Since young, I already have a pet. My pet is furry black cat. Therefore, I called it Combi. Combi is a clean cat and cute appearance. Every evening, Combi accompany I go out for walk in the garden. Sometimes, Combi love to followed me from the back.

   While at home, Combi like playing with me. If I’m busy, Combi will not bother me. Then, when I have a free time, I will shower Combi. So that it will always clean and not smelly.

   In addition, Combi love to eat fish and cat feed. Every day, I’m going to feed a cat food to Combi. If I follow my mom to the market, I will ask the mother bought some fresh fish for Combi.

That’s all my story about Combi. I was so very happy because having a pet like Combi.




                                                  Image result for image friendship hipster

     What is the fiendship? Friendship may be one of the most important in life.To live life without the experience of friendship,is life without nothing.Friendship are essential to the succecful of being of anyone.Many people look for different characteristic in friends,thing that may be commom in nature.

     There are many type of friend that one want or needs.There are five different cattegories for these friends.It is best in nature to recognise and appecia various kind of friend.

     First,type of friend in friendship is acquataince.This is the beginning of to all deeper friend.This the person with whom,is only known on a pure,and basic level.

     Next,types of friend in friendship is loving.In friendship,we must have love with other because there are important in friendship.this is can make the friendship gathering and also respect with other .

     After that,type of friend in friendship is must have good characteristic like trust and support each other.They must have sense of equity in their mind and know that anyone of them may needcare andsupport anytime.

    Lastly,real friend in friendship are not those who only stand with us.IN our good moments of life but those who stand in our trouble too.For advise, we must be careful while choosing out best friend.A good friend in friendship always support in bad time and suggest to do good right path.

By farhanah



Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland :

The book begins with a young girl, Alice, bored whilst sat by a river, reading a book with her sister.
Everything seems perfectly normal an serene; there could be nothing more in keeping with the bourgeois Victorian world in which Carroll lived. Alice runs after the rabbit and follow a it into a hole. After falling down into the depths of the earth she finds herself in a corridor full of doors. At the end corridor there is a tiny door with a tiny key through which Alice can see a beautiful garden that she is desperate to enter.  She then spot a bottle labelled “DRINK ME” (which she does), and begins to shrink until she is large enough to fit through the door.

Unfortunately, she has left the key that fits the lock on a table, now well out of her reach. She then finds a cake labelled “EAT ME” (which, again, she does), and is restored to her normal size. Disconcerted by this frustrating series of events, alice begins to cry and, caught unawares by a change in size not precipitated by foo or drink, she shrinks and is washed away in her own tears.
The book reaches its climax in the trial of the Knave Of Hearts, who is accused of stealing the queen’s tart. A good deal of evidence is given against the unfortunate man ( most of which is entirely nonsensical), and a letter is produced which only refers to events by pronouns (but which is supposedly damning evidence) . alice , who by now has grown to a great size, stands up for the Knave and theQueen, predictably, demands her execution. As she is fighting off the Queen’s card soldiers, alice awakes, realizing she has been dreaming all along.

Carroll’s book is episodic and revels more in the situations that it contrives than in any serious attempt a plot or character analysis. Like a series of nonsense poems or stories, created more for their puzzling nature or illogical delightfulness, the events of Alice’s adventure are people with incredible but immensely likeable characters and a master’s fell for the eccentricities of language.

Brilliant for children, but with enough hilarity and joy for life in it to please adult too, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, is a love book with which to take a brief respite from our over-rational and something dreary world.


How adorable is this giant loch mess moster ?

Created by Hannah From We Lived Happily Ever after, it measure 1 ½ feet tall and 3 feet wide perfect for a nursery or for fun in any room of the house
Materials: 1 ½ yards of felt for the body (you can make it with just 1 yard, but it never hurts to get a little more than you need), a small sheet of pink felt for the patches(the small sheets they sell for about 30 cents), a small sheet of black felt for the eyes and the mouth , stuffing ( a great alternative to expense poly fill is to buying an inexpensive pillow and using the stuffing from that), and threads to match

     1.    Download this pattern piece. Print and cut out the pages, then attach all of the pieces      together
     2   Cut out the pattern pieces from the felt. You need 8 flippers, 1 belly piece and 2 body        pieces.
     3.    Stitch all of the 8 flippers together in pairs of two to make a total of four flippers. Make       sure to leave a small opening on the curved edge of the flipper so you can turn  it inside       out and  stuff it
     4.    Turn the flippers right side out through the opening you left
     5.    Place both of your body pieces on top of each other, and lift up the bottom part. Now lay the belly piece evenly on top of both half’s of the body space
      6.    Sew the belly piece onto the body pieces.
     7.    Sew up the rest of the body, leaving an opening at the neck for stuffing. Turn the body    right side out through the opening
     8.    Time to stuff Neisse. Fill th neck and tail first. You want to make sure to really tuff the      neck super well so that it will stand up straight and be supported. Once you are done            stuffing it, sew up the opening
    9.    Fill your flippers with stuffing, and then position them on Neisse’s body. For the two flippers on each side, make them both face away from each other, pointing out. Slip stitch the flippers to the body
    10. From the black felt , cut out two rectangles for the eyes, and one long strip of fabric for the smile
    11. Roll the rectangles into ball shapes and sew the ball in place until is a complete sphere. Next, position them symmetrically on the face and pin in place. Sew them onto the face
    12. Pin the strip of felt you cut for the smile onto the face. The determine how wide a grin you want Neisse top have on her face cut the corners so that the edges are tilted
    13. Optional : sew in patches. The Neisse shown has layered pink and green hearts on her back.

All done! Enjoy your felt Neisse


Saturday 5 September 2015


There are lots of great ideas that you can include for you DIY room decor project. Although most people view this project as complicated or difficult, it can actually be fun and interesting. Not to mention that you can get unique and cool stuff without spending a fortune, the great thing about DIY teen room decor is no one will be able to have similar stuff like yours, so you can be sure that your artwork is the one and only. If you are into crafting activity and you want to have personalized stuff, this is the kind of work that suits you the best.
You don’t have to start with complicated stuff or project. If you want to make use the old or worn stuff, be my guest. For instance, if you have antique lamps or lantern lamps, you can paint them with bold and bright colors. Neons color are trendy right now, so consider painting them in a neon green, pink fuchsia, or light blue. Not only you are able to transform your old stuff, you can really spark up your room without hurting yor wallet. Basically, a room won’t be so cold or dingy with some bright color and cute decor accessories here and there. You, don’t always have to buy expensive stuff just to make your room livelier; make use of the pieces of stuff around you; old and worn stuff are even better !                                             

Here are some simple and yet cool ideas that you can implement into your DIY teen room decor project:


You only need strings of light, colored cupcake container and scissors. From flowery shapes on the cupcake liners and make a hole in each liner. Insert each light into the flowery shape, and then seal it off by gluing or taping them. These strings of light aren’t only adorable,but they are also unique stylish. You can place the light strings in the reading corner or place them on the headboars area

Clothesline holders for display
You don’t always have to spend money on a frame. Make use of the clotheline and let it occupy your empaty wall. You can show off your photos, ticketstubs, notes, or cards on the clotheline don’t forget to use the clotheline to hang those items. It is unique and eclectic, and you won’t have to spend a dime to show off your precious photos


Make-up board

If you always create a mess when it comes to your make-up arrangement,you can make your own make-up board. All you have to prepare is an old frame, magnetic board, small magnetic pins, glue gun, and your favourite paint. Buy an inexpensive magnetic board an attach it to the old frame. Paint it with your favourite color, don’t forget to include black if you want to make accents. Let it thoroughly dry. Meanwhile, attach small magnetic pin on the back of your make-up items with a glue gun. Once the board up completely, you can start attaching the make-up items on the board , avoiding the mess on your dresser. Not only it is good for a better arrangement, the board is definitely unique and somewhat edgy


Keep cork Board Handy

A cork board is very handy and useful. You can turn it  on a pin board or memo board. Here are some alternatives for the corkboard
  •     Washi tape board. Buy a large cork board or several small rectangular board. Use the washi tape to create unique patterns, diagonal or stripes are the most common ones. If you use several small board, put them together, so you can have a big pin, board.
  •     You can also cut the cork board into unique or interesting shapes. Before attaching it to the wall, use a cute paper wrap as the base and stick the whole thing on the wall. Now you can have your own memo board without having to spend a fortune
  •     In case you have limited space on the wall-you have probably filled the wall with photo or other image –cut  the cork board into smaller circle. attach the cork boards into colourful circular plastic lids and arrange them on the wall. You can group
  •     them or scatter them around. One board can be used for one note.



Hi readers, since today is a friendship day, I would like to talk about a friendship.

 Friendship is the most wonderful relationship that anyone can have. Ideally a friend is a person who offers love and respect and will never leave or betray us. Friends can tell harsh truths when they must be told. There are four different types of friends: True friends, convenient friends, Special interest friends, and historical friends. To have friendship is to have comfort. In times of crisis and depression, a friend is there to calm us and to help lift up our spirits. 

There are many illustrations that show why a friend can be a great comforter. For example, if a student is going through a hard time at school, a friend can offer guidance, encouragement and support. A true friend is also someone who loves and respects us. 

A boyfriend and a girlfriend desire to be with each other. They love each other so much that they just want to be with each other as much as possible. This bond is also present in a good friendship because it has genuine love. Also, as friends they respect each other. They try to avoid causing conflicts. They don’t make fun of each other, but treat each other with respect. 

As friends, we all make sacrifices for each other. Some friends risk their lives for a friend. An example of this 
true friendship can be found in the movie, American Pie. Todd had a championship football game, but on the same day there was an All-State choir going on. Todd and his girlfriend were both into choir. He couldn’t be in two places at once, so he gave up his football game so that he could be with his girlfriend. Everyone on the football game looked up to him because he made a sacrifice to be with his girlfriend. When his girlfriend asked why. He responded, I did it for you. This shows friendship through a humble heart. 

One of the most important details in a friendship is to never leave or forsake the other. A friend is also loyal, for example in the movie Lord of the Rings, Froto and Sam Wise had a wonderful fellowship. They lived in peace and in one accord. Also in the movie, gandalf sent froto on a mission. Froto was scared and he didn’t want to go on the journey by himself. 

Gandalf brought frotos friend, Sam Wise, who went with him on the journey. As they traveled together, Sam Wise made a promise to Froto that no matter what happens he will never leave or forsake him. When Froto decided that he needed to continue the journey on his own, out jumps Sam Wise who runs after him. Froto didn’t want Sam Wise to be with him because his mission was dangerous. 

However, Sam Wise didn’t allow this to happen because he made a promise to him. He jumped into the ocean, and since he didn’t know how to swim, he sacrificed himself for his friend. Froto didn’t want Sam Wise to come because he feared that Sam could get injured. 

At one point Froto snuck out to the boats and tried to leave Sam behind. Sam eventually caught up and even though he couldn’t swim. He went after Froto. Froto in the end was reassured of his friendship between Sam Wise himself. As Froto lifted Sam Wise by hand, they continued their quest. This movie showed me the true meaning of friendship. 
As started earlier, we also have convenient friends. For example, a next-door neighbor can be helpful to us. When a neighboring family goes away, or is at work, a next-door neighbor can get their mail. If a neighbor’s child is sick at school, a caring neighbor can take care of the child until the parents come home. 

There are also special interest friends. This kind of friendship is not that close. For example, special interest friends may like to go to the mall and shop. They are not intimate friends by they enjoy the companionship of shopping together. For example, a friend and I would often play tennis or watch movies together. Though we didn’t talk to each other that much, we would often get together to share activities. Our friendship wasn’t that intimate because were often busy. 

All of us have friends who know us very well. These types of friends are called historical friends. Historical friends know about our past. For instance, a while back I had a friend who knew everything about me. We shared the good and bad times, and had many things in common. Now we have gone our separate ways, but we are an intimate part of each other’s past. For instance, this friend remembers the type of music that I used to listen to. Indeed, historical friends are a blessing to have. 

Friends cannot read each other’s mind. I often think that my friends should know what I am thinking or feeling. But when I expect my friends to read my mind, I feel disappointed. Therefore, friends should just tell each other what is needed or what is on their mind, so that there won’t be any misunderstanding. 




  Hello and welcome to my blog,today I want to share to you all about my favourite food.I hope you all like to read my blog.My favourite is “TOM YAM”.Everyday I eat tom yam with is very delicious.That why I like tom yam because tomyam is spicy and sour.i hope you enjoying to read my blog.

  First, I want to story about my favourite food.Tom yam came from Thailand and has became one of from Malaysia favourite dishes.Tom yan be served in many ways,I prever tom yam served in steambo at because the taste of soup is spicy and sour.In tom yam such as seafood to make it aste good.

  Next,tom yam is a very yummy food and I love it very much.I like my mother to make a tom yam because it not same at selling at the café.My mother cook is very delicious and good to my health because she not put flavour so much like ajinamoto and other thing of flavour.In tom yam my mother also put a lot of vegetable and some seafood,it is also make me feel want to eat it everyday.

  After that,I like tom yam because it has some seafood like chicken,prawn,and vegetable.To make tom yam it is not easy because it is also use many ingredients.Sometime to search good tom yam at café not easy because no more chef can make a delicious tom not easy to me to search a café to find the good tom yam.Not many place selling yummy tom yam.there are are some place.
Lastly,food is important for human life without food.People don’t have energy to do their work or continue their life regulary.


Wednesday 2 September 2015



  My name is Nor Farhanah binti yusof and i'm 18 years old. Most of my friend call me ana. I'm was born on 5st january 1997 in Hospital Parit Buntar Perak. I was  study at KOLEJ POLY-TECH MARA in diploma agro technology. I have 2 sibling including me, I'm eldest the family. I live in Taman Cahaya Nilam. My ambition is want to be a nurse because my other and father want me to be a nurse. Lastly, my hobby is a playing badminton and futsal.

  Next, I want share story about my parent and younger sister. First, I have a handsome men in my family,he is ver hadrworking and responsibility. He is my father , my father's name is Yusof Bin Salleh.  He was born on 9st July 1968. My father 's work as  farmer. Next, I have a beautful and cute women in my family. She is very kind,responsibility and caring women in the world. The people is my mother. My mother's name is Mahani binti Md isa. She  was born on 21 ogos 1974 in Hospital Parit Buntar. She is 41 years old. My mother workas operator at bayan lepas, pulau pinang. Lastly, i have pretty and cute girls like me in my family. She is my younger sister in m family. She is indulgent. She was born born 17 Ogos 1999 in Hospital Parit Buntar. She is 16 year old. My younger sister  want to be a fesyen design. That all about my family.